Sunday, 22 September 2013

Ageing, sugar and living longer

Scientists have done work with small round worms on the matter of ageing. They have managed to make these worms live twice as long by partially disabling one of their genes-daf2. The worms appear to be healthy until the end. They also managed to shorten their lifespan by adding sugar which revved up their insulin pathway.

The link between ageing and diet makes sense if one understands that the daf2 gene activates receptors that are sensitive to two hormones, insulin and growth hormone. Too much sugar overstimulates the receptors. People who live to 100 are more likely to have a mutation in the daf2 gene. A drug that prolongs the life of mice is soon to be announced and the direction of this work may lead to drugs that allow us to live longer and healthier lives.

Observer March 2013 Discover in Review

If you're concerned about your own health or the effects of ageing then why not contact the Physio Therapy Centre to see how we can help?

Exercise,diabetes,weight loss.

Exercise helps to control glucose levels in patients with Type 11 diabetes and increases cardiovascular fitness. They also reduced their waist size!
Combined aerobic exercises with resistance training seems to be the most effective.
The exercise was brisk treadmill walking at 50% to 80% maximum respiratory fitness plus weight bearing exercises in the gym

Journal of the American Medical Society 2010

Monday, 9 September 2013

Physiotherapists and how we differ from other therapists

Here at the Therapy Centre we often get asked about the differences between a physiotherapist and a chiropractor or an osteopath for example, to help explain this we've added some new content which you can read by clicking the links above.

We hope that's useful and please don't hesitate to contact us if you've any questions at all about how we can help you.