Saturday 29 June 2013

Risk factors for low back pain

The most consistent factors that predict low back pain are:
Work related psychosocial factors;  high job demands and low job control
Mechanical factors; prolonged standing,awkward lifting and squatting or kneeling

Work-related Psychosocial and Mechanical Risk Factors for Low Back Pain
A 3-year Follow-up Study of the General Working Population in Norway

Tom Sterud, Tore Tynes
Occup Environ Med. 2013;70(5):296-302

If you're worried about back pain then physiotherapy can help, both in the short and long term. Come and see us at the Physio Therapy Centre to find out more

Fish Oil doesn't reduce the chance of death or problems related to heart diease

In a large study with a 5 year follow-up, it was shown that taking daily doses of fish oil did not prevent the chances of death or problems related to heart disease.

New England Journal of Medicine 2013 368:1800-1808

Use it or lose it

Use it or lose it is the message from this study. The elder person who maintains a high level of aerobic fitness will live longer.

While age is associated with decrease in muscle mass, strength, endurance and aerobic fitness the elderly respond well to exercise and it could help in preventing age related problems.

A study looked at aerobic fitness in 2077 hypertensive men aged 70 or over. Overall mortality was 15% lower in those with moderate levels of aerobic fitness; 37% lower in higher levels of fitness. Many of us spend hours sitting through a day and this has a negative effect

American Soc of Hypertension(ASH) 2013 scientific sessions

Also there is a strong association between  mid-life fitness and later heart failure

Circulation:Heartfailure Berey et al 2013

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Illness perception,work,back pain, and significant others

People out of work due to persistent low back pain tended to self limit their ability to work and were supported in their beliefs by their partner.

To justify this, this group became fixed in the belief that this was so and it became crucial that the individual with back pain was perceived as completely disabled.

It is suggested that partners of individuals with low back pain are a potentially detrimental source of support. It may be useful to include partners in vocational rehabilitation programmes

Brooks et., Musculoskeletal Disorders 2013 14(48)