Thursday 8 November 2012

Get 10% fitter with a 60  second blast

One of the journals I read is  Mens Running', a Uk publication described as " for runners with balls"!  I noticed a short piece that  stated  that 60 seconds of of high intensity exercise three times a week can improve your fitness by 10%. The research took two groups that both did a 10K cycle time trial. Then one lot did high intensity interval training, cycling flat out for 6 seconds, resting 1 minute , then repeating the same thing 10 times. The other maintained their nomal regime. After 2 weeks of  this regime 3xper week, both groups retook the 10K cycle time trial and those that had followed the high intensity regime attained a 10% higher speed. The suggested reason was that high intensity regimes  slow lactate build up and that short sprints make it possible for the body to use the lactate more efficiantly.


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